Sunday, August 11, 2013


There are so many processes I could have chronicled as of late but which I haven't here because honestly I'd forgotten about this blog!  I really need to pay it more heed, however, as it's a good exercise for me.

My girlfriend and I got back together, first of all.  We still don't live together, though, and we certainly aren't married.  However, as for my description back in February that the relationship was "unraveling," I suppose that was inaccurate.  We still dig each other's company.  I even took her and her boy to New Orleans and Florida recently for a little vacation.  It's all good.  However, I know that she is still upset with me for giving her an engagement ring quite some time ago but then moving out eventually and never sealing the deal.  She does not consider me officially as her "boyfriend" because of this.  I guess it's still somewhat complicated in that regard...

Spiritually, I see myself drifting back and forth into a "Dark Night of the Soul" type thing over these past few months.  I went from meditating often and doing my LBRP to getting the blahs and feeling my connection to the Source dwindle.  It's like a cloud going in front of the sun, but I keep the faith underneath it all and feel like this uncertainty will serve to strengthen my faith in the end.

Professionally, there may be a problem though.  My company's president (I work for a prominent mental health care provider in the state of Arkansas) just released a memo entitled "Organizational Restructuring" in which he speaks of what amounts to downsizing and "position elimination".  A couple of weeks ago or so, our Clinical Care Coordinator left the company abruptly and though he did give us a rather lengthy email in which he was blowing smoke up about everyone's toga, it was unclear as to why he split (he was one of those who liked the power and seemed rather entrenched in that position as the supervisor of all therapists) until now.  Seems like he knew something from the get-go that few of the rest of us did.  There will also be "salary caps" and no more annual raises.  Hence, I see the folks with talent jumping ship here soon enough, and the local job market will once again be glutted with therapists - if it isn't already by now.  Don't know what the damage is going to be overall yet, but it doesn't sound good.

I have to remind myself, though, that I'm in a good place fiscally.  I've no debts.  I've a nearly new car that's paid for.  The place where I stay is paid off.  There are many perks.  Job-wise, though, I'm in my comfort zone.  Perhaps these events are meant to spur me on to greater things.  Who knows...

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